Finally, thanks to viewers and subscribers to my channel. Just Another Dang How To Channel – a channel where I share how-to tech videos. A small milestone for me but super happy. It’s been a roller coaster ride reaching this milestone.
June 8, 2020

I started the channel way back Feb 2017 when Youtube didn’t have a strict Partner Program policy, you can upload videos and immediately earn from your videos. Then a few months after that, the policy changed to have at least 100,000 channel views for channel to be able to be monetized, I didnt meet the criteria and my channel got demonetized, I persevered, I kept sharing videos and eventually met the requirement.
But on Feb 2018 Youtube again changed policy which wiped out all small channels, new requirements were to have at least 1000 subscribers, and 4000 hours channel watch time for 365 days. I was gutted and lost interest. I abandoned the channel for several months but my watch time kept growing. Last year April 2019, I decided to revive it as my channel met the 4000 hours criteria. I had about 600 subs at that time. 1 year and 2 months later I finally reached 1000 subscribers.

My takeaway is to don’t give up and keep on persevering. Rome wasn’t built in a day. As of this writing, I am already now at 1004 subscribers and waiting for approval. Next goal up, get 2500 subscribers.
If you haven’t yet, please subscribe to my Youtube channel.