The MuleSoft Certified Developer Mule4 Level is a very tough exam to prepare for. Even with having taken the online 5 day Fundamentals course. Below are my key takeaways how I passed the exam.
I failed my first attempt of the exam last week. I booked another schedule the week after and really focused on the skills and concepts I was lacking.
The self-study material is now available. Enroll and sign up here https://training.mulesoft.com/course/mulesoftu-fundamentals4
The format of the MuleSoft Certified Developer exam is multiple choice. There are a total of 60 questions and the passing score of 70% and you are allowed 120 minutes.
Start by reviewing the Study Guide
Here are my notes for passing the exam.
- Creating Application Networks
- Current IT landscape problem
- IT cannot deliver fast enough
- IT can build fast while still early but as time moves the IT project gets complex and harder to build on top of it
- Solution: A new IT operating model IT builds reusable assets and data Business can self-serve on the assets
- Modern API approach
- discoverable and accessible through self-service
- productized and designed for ease of consumption
- easily managed for security, scalability, and performance
- API-Led Connectivity
- Experience API
- Process API
- System API
- What is C4E ?
- Center for Enablement
- A cross-functional team
- developers
- lob it
- central it
- C4E make sure assets
- are productized
- consumable
- fully leveraged
- success is based on asset consumption
- Deconstructing API
- What is an API?
- Acronym for Application Programming Interface
- it provides information on how to communicate with a software component
- Operations – what to call
- Inputs – what inputs are expected Output – results expected
- Underlying data types ?
- It defines functionalities independent of implementations
- change what is behind the scenes without people changing how they call it
- API can be of the following
- API specification file
- defines what to call, send and get back
- web service
- actual API implementation you can make calls
- API proxy
- an application that controls access to a web service, restricting access and usage through an API proxy
- API specification file
- What are web services
- different software systems often need to exchange data with each other
- bridges platform, protocols, programming language, and hardware architecture
- is a method of communication between systems over the internet
- system interaction manner is prescribed by some defined rules of communication
- different software systems often need to exchange data with each other
- Parts of a web service API
- The web service API
- describes how to interact with the API
- may or may not be defined in a file
- web service interface implementing an API
- code providing structure to the application/ combination
- web service implementation itself
- actual code and application
- The web service API
- Two main API types
- traditional, more complex
- communication rules are defined in an XML
- RESTful
- recent, simpler
- uses existing HTTP communication protocol
- Representational State Transfer
- architecture pattern where clients and servers exchange representation of resources using HTTP protocols
- http request methods
- creates new resource
- retrieves current state normally in XML or JSON
- updates or creates a new one
- partially updates
- deletes a resource
- data and resources are represented using URIs
- resources are accessed or managed with a fixed set of operation
- get /companies
- get /companies?country=France
- etc…
- Example RESTful web service response
- JSON (Javascript Object Notation)
- supports maps and collections
- lightweight data-interchange format
- JSON (Javascript Object Notation)
- Making calls
- Unsecured API
- no authentication required
- Secure API
- requires credentials or token
- sometimes api proxies are used to govern access to an api
- you can secure an api with different protocols OAuth, SAML and JWT
- Http Status Codes
- provides feedback for the outcome of the operation
- good api should return status codes that align with the http spec
- Unsecured API
- What is an API?
- Current IT landscape problem
- Designing APIs
- Modern API
- productized
- easily govern
- build for consumption – reusable
- Anypoint Design Center
- Design your api
- API Designer
- Uses RAML
- AnyPoint Exchange
- A repository
- library of assets
- private content only to available to people in your org
- when a rest api is added to exchange it creates an api portal
- Flow Designer lightweight version/ available on the web
- Anypoint Studio for development
- Anypoint Management Center
- version proxy
- rate limit
- throttling visibility and
- control scale your application
- Runtime Services
- deploy applications
- lightweight java-based ESB
- decouples point to point
- can be deployed anywhere
- enforces policies for api governance
- Anypoint Platform
- uniquely built
- deploy anywhere
- can build your own connector
- have tons of pre-built connectors
- implemented all the internal process eg. database connection etc..
- Achieving Success
- business outcome
- org enabled technology
- delivery
- Paths
- Plan for success
- Establish the foundation
- Build to scale
- Measure impact
- API Notebook
- on exchange you can create documentation – plays your script
- MUnit
- test your mule application
- Mule Applications
- can be created visually or through xml
- under the hood it is java using spring
- mule apps are deployed to mule runtime
- Mule Runtime Engine
- lightweight java ESB and integration platform
- decouples point to point
- can be deployed anywhere
- enforces policies for API governance
- Mule 4 Applications and flows
- Mule application receive events, process them and route them
- A listener listens for events
- an application can consist of single or multiple flows
- mule event source
- initiates the execution of flow
- mule event processors
- tranform, filter, enrich
- Workers
- dedicated instance of mule that runs the app
- each worker runs in separate containers from every other application
- can have different compute power
- apps can be scaled vertically by change worker size
- apps can be scaled horizontally by adding more workers
- there are workers in different environments
- Modern API
- Accessing and Modifying Mule Events
- Mule event
- Mule message – data that passes to the flow
- attribute – metadata in the header payload – core info of the message
- variables – metadata for the mule event – can be defined and referenced
- Mule event
- Structuring Mule Applications
- Building API Implementation Interfaces
- Routing Events
- Handling Errors
- Writing DataWeave Transformations
- Using Connectors
- Processing Records
- Debugging and Troubleshooting Mule Applications
- Deploying and Managing APIs and Integrations
Apologies if this is incomplete but will continue to add the materials on the following days.
And please don’t ask me for dumps! Invest the time to learn it, you’ll then earn the rights to be called a Mulesoft Certified Developer.
Thanks. It’s very useful post.
Thanks for the helpful post and for taking the time to put it together. Looking forward to the notes update.
Hi Paulo, I’m studying to take this exam on Tuesday. Very little hands on experience, so very helpful, of course I wish you’d been able to add more :-), but I know how it is to be busy. Your record of certifications is very impressive. Thanks again.
thank you
If I just go through the material on training.mulesoft.com, will I be able to crack the certification exam.
Can you please add the next information
I too failed the first time I took this exam and I’m trying to better prepare for the retake. I was wondering if you had the rest of the notes that you used to study as I am trying to gather as many resources as I can to prepare.
Hello Paulo,
Thank you for this notes. Very very helpful. Could you please share the rest of the notes with us.
Thank you for the info. It is very usefull
Hi Austin, hope by now you already have cleared MuleSoft Certification. Can you help me in preparation, or share dumps with me. I am planning to take this test on 23 Sep 2019
answers please
I don’t give out answers or have any dumps. Put in the effort!
Thank you for some of the best pointers I came across for this certification. Glad to tell you that I cleared in the very first attempt. Cheers.
Hello sir, I am planning to take this exam and I have completed mulesoft development fundamentals and scored 85% in self asessment quiz.
Would u suggest me take the actual certification exam now? or do I need to work on it?
Hi Neha, I say go for it.
I took test today and I will say certain sections was hard. Dataweave and modifying mule events was hard. I will suggest take self assessment 2-3 times and make cheat sheet with error handling routing events then can pass. I passed on my first attempt
Hello :),
I am wondring if you have dumps of MuleSoft Certified Platform Architect – Level 1.
Kind regards
I took the test today (first attempt) and passed.
I prepared by following the Mulesoft.U Development Fundamentals (Mule 4) on-line/free course. I took the exam at a local testing center. This is the first time I’ve taken any kind of serious test/exam since university.
I’m listing some of my personal observations so that others can know what to expect. Others may have a completely different experience.
– The exam is not easy. In fact half way through I thought I was failing miserably. I stuck with it and in the end I did pretty well. Point being, don’t give up. you’re probably doing better than you think.
– I took the full 120 min to complete with only a few min to go over some questions that I had marked for review.
– The order of the questions are completely random and not organized by topic in any way. This really through me off as the first 3 questions were real toughies. I had hope that I would be eased in with questions from the first 3 modules. There were very few softball questions.
– There were a lot of questions relating to the state of payloads, attributes and variables as the event transitions through the flow in different scenarios.
Good Luck!
Can you please let me know the link to take self assessment?
Guy’s please help me here, i am planning to take exam on 20th May. i am not hands on in mulesoft. provide me some dump and relevant materiel.
Hi Ram,
How your exam goes? Did you crack it share some tips?
Can any one please tell where to register for online Mule 4 certification exam?
Hello , I have completed my 2 attempts in mcd level 1 exam but I haven’t cleared the exam , can you tell me how to schedule the exam for without purchase? And tell me some tips how to clear the exam?
Hi Kumar, you can register for online Mule 4 certification exam in this link:
or you can purchased the exam from webacessor mulesoft.
Hi all ,
I have cleared the self assessment test and thinking of taking mule4 certification .. what you guys say , would I be able to crack ? Would passing the self assesment test will help me to clear the certification exam ?
Hello guys,
Proctor was cancelled my exam in the first time due to name issues. After that again I have written the exam but I got failed. First time Proctor didn’t given question paper. So my attempt is one or two? Now I am not able to see the option that is second attempt , only I can see my result. Can you please help me here.
Thanks and Regards,
Thank you very much for this valuable info. I am preparing myself to take the certification course sometime in July. Right now I am working on those hands on exercises that really bring added value to the main preparation course itself. I’m gonna go again through these notes before the real thing.